Signs of Fall

Pumpkins are one of the colorful symbols of fall.
Pumpkins and Mums
Although fall was a little slow getting here this year, let’s relish its beautiful colors while they last. (The photos in this post were taken at Roger’s Trees and Nursery along Shallowford Road in Lewisville, NC.)

Beautiful, multi-colored mums also indicate that fall is upon us.
More Colorful Photos of Pumpkins and Mums
To see MORE COLORFUL PHOTOS, please continue to the NEXT SECTION. CLICK to see more pumpkins and mums
The Hummer

A Ruby-Throated Hummingbird (female) approaches a feeder.
As of today, I have a heightened respect for wildlife photographers. They not only tend to spend a great deal of time waiting — waiting to capture the potentially elusive pose of some member of the animal kingdom. But very often they’re patiently waiting under uncomfortable — if not extreme — conditions.
I really shouldn’t complain, then, that it took me four hours to capture a few decent shots of this hummer, which I believe to be a female Ruby-Throated Hummingbird. I stood the entire time, inside an enclosed sunroom, quietly watching the feeder that this hummingbird has claimed as hers the entire summer. CLICK to see a few more photos of The Hummer
Mystery and Majesty

The blooms of a beautiful Turk’s Cap Lily (Lilium superbum) hang in splendor before a blurred-out background of yellow daylilies.
Unexpected Beauty
Little did I know when I pulled out of the driveway one recent morning that I’d soon run smack-dab into mystery and majesty.
I was driving along Yadkinville Road, intent on checking out possible photo opportunities at a nearby farm, when I glanced toward one of the private drives in the Sattsgate development. There, I saw a lady tending a large, beautiful patch of yellow daylilies. I thought, “Wow! I’ve never noticed those beauties before! I’m turning around to check them out.”
When I got out of my truck, I introduced myself to Mrs. Barbara Brooks, a retired nurse. Our conversation went on for at least an hour, as Barbara graciously showed me around the floral paradise that surrounds the home where she lives with her husband, Dr. Joe Brooks, a retired N.C. State horticulturist. (You should also know that Dr. Brooks proudly drives a bright red — really clean — pickup truck with an NCSU plate on the front!)
To enjoy MORE PHOTOS of NATURE’S WONDERS at the home of Dr. Joe and Barbara Brooks, please continue to the NEXT SECTION. CLICK for more Mystery and Majesty
Can’t Get Him Out of My Mind

"Red," the redbird, apparently has made his home at the Veterans Memorial at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, North Carolina.
Avian Obsession
I suppose you could say I’ve become obsessed with him. I always look for him whenever I pass the place where we first met. And just catching a glimpse of him continues to cause my heart to flutter.
Yes, a little redbird has become a bit of an obsession for me. Almost two months ago, I discussed meeting the redbird I call “Red” in Birds of a Feather and Just Curious. I had initially spotted “Red” hanging around the POW-MIA monument at the Veterans Memorial in Shallowford Square.
Since that first encounter, I’ve caught a quick glance of “Red” at the Square numerous times when I’ve simply been driving by. And I’ve seen him every single time that I’ve taken a few moments to park and walk closer to the Veterans Memorial.
The Latest Sighting
Yesterday was no exception. I was keeping my little niece and nephew for the weekend, and they wanted to swing on the swings at Shallowford Square. After they’d swung for a while, I suggested that we walk over to look for the redbird. And, honestly, just like clockwork, “Red” made his appearance only minutes after we’d begun observing the area around the POW-MIA monument!
See for Yourself
If you’d like to experience a bit of the wonder of this little creature, try stopping by the Square sometime and observing the area around the POW-MIA monument from a distance. I think it’s likely that you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the appearance of a bird named “Red.”
If you do see him, please be sure to report back here in the Comment section. It’d be fun to hear from others who’ve spotted “Red.” CLICK for another photo of the redbird at Shallowford Square