A Man and His Dog

Fourteen-month-old Missy rests momentarily with her owner at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, North Carolina.
Beautiful Weather
With the weather being spring-like yesterday morning, there seemed to be more folks than usual getting out to enjoy the pleasant outdoors.
There were more children in the playground area at Shallowford Square. More folks walking and jogging around the Square and along the sidewalks of Lewisville’s main thoroughfare. And more dogs and their humans making their rounds together.
I, too, was out and about, photographing within the Township of Lewisville. After a few hours, I decided to head back home once I stopped by the Post Office.
As I pulled up to the intersection of Shallowford and Williams Roads (at The Oaks Shopping Center), I spotted this beautiful dog, Missy, and her master. They were turning around there and were heading back toward the Square.
I thought, “Hmmm, I’ll have enough time to pick up my mail, park over at the Square and get set up with my long lens to hopefully get some nice shots of those two as they head my way.” They’d be walking toward the sun, so I wouldn’t have to worry about their being in the shadows as they moved in my direction. That seemed like a reasonable plan.
Where’d They Go?
When I soon ended up on the sidewalk with my camera gear, I started walking toward the not-yet visible man and dog. I began to think it was odd that they still hadn’t come into sight.
But as I approached a clearing on my right, I saw Missy and her owner there, and I moved in their direction. Missy was busy stopping to smell here and there in the brush and then moving quickly to new spots. When she saw me, though, her mild-looking demeanor changed. She was clearly not very pleased that I was encroaching on her territory.
An Explanation
Her owner told to me that 14-month-old Missy was headed to the vet next, and he was trying to give her some good exercise before the appointment. He explained that she’d had an unpleasant experience recently that made her leery of strangers. And that was proving to be true with me, as well.
In fact, during the entire time that I photographed the two of them, which included their making several laps around the Square, Missy never let down her guard with me. I could tell she was an intelligent and likable dog. But gaining her trust would take more than yesterday morning’s brief encounter with her.
Perhaps I’ll see Missy again sometime, and we can pick up where we left off. I hope so.
If you’d like to see a few more photos of Missy and her owner, please visit the Man and Dog photo gallery.
Peaceful Thoughts

Closeup of Volvo with peace slogans parked at the Lewisville (North Carolina) Library.
Maybe you’ve seen this car in Lewisville. I saw it for the first time this week in the library parking lot. It’s an earnest reminder of the turmoil and unrest of our times. If you have an especial affinity for this message, you should see the entire car!
All I can say is, the car owner has real conviction — and this particular photo of the car doesn’t do it “justice,” so to speak. You’ll see what I mean if you continue to the next section to see more shots of the car. Peace. CLICK to see more photos of the Peace Car.
Animal Attraction
WARNING! This is NOT a stuffed animal! He’s real, he’s cute — and he’s lethal! Well, maybe not lethal, but he’s certainly irresistible! If my memory’s correct, this little fellow’s name is George. I guess he had me so rattled when we met that I didn’t think to write down his name. All I know is I was compelled to speak to him, to introduce myself, and to rub that furry little head! Little George simply captured my heart.
I do hope George and I will meet again soon. Till then, I’ll have to find some way to go on!
Have you seen George?!
Down to Earth
It was a nice morning to be out photographing. Walkers, runners, and bikers had the same idea. Besides the refreshing weather, I’m sure these two enjoyed each other’s company.