Signs of Fall

Pumpkins are one of the colorful symbols of fall.
Pumpkins and Mums
Although fall was a little slow getting here this year, let’s relish its beautiful colors while they last. (The photos in this post were taken at Roger’s Trees and Nursery along Shallowford Road in Lewisville, NC.)

Beautiful, multi-colored mums also indicate that fall is upon us.
More Colorful Photos of Pumpkins and Mums
To see MORE COLORFUL PHOTOS, please continue to the NEXT SECTION.

While you’re buying your pumpkins and mums, don’t forget to feed the deer!

Decisions, decisions. Which pumpkin is “the one”?

Perhaps you’ll mix and match your pumpkins and mums.

Whatever your preferences, there’s surely a pumpkin or mum just for you.