Just Curious

A redbird sits in a tree near the Veterans Memorial at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, North Carolina.
The Redbird
I couldn’t help myself — I was curious. I wondered whether the redbird I wrote about in the Birds of a Feather post would be waiting for me if I ventured up to Shallowford Square again.
Sure enough, as I approached the Veterans Memorial yesterday morning, I spotted the redbird singing away at the POW-MIA monument! I couldn’t help but smile at that animated little creature.
I know very little about the habits and instincts of birds, and this experience has piqued my curiosity. So I have TWO IDEAS:
If you’re a birder, can you shed some light on the territorial instincts of birds? I’m particularly wondering whether the redbird’s behavior is typical. Please share your knowledge in the Comments section.
If you’ll be passing through Lewisville and feel a bit curious yourself, how about stopping by Shallowford Square for a few moments and see if you spot the redbird on or near the POW-MIA monument? (The POW-MIA monument is at the base of the black-and-white POW-MIA flag flying at the Veterans Memorial at the Square.) Then report back here in the Comments section and let us know if you saw “Red” — or not. I think this would be a fun experiment!
It’d be great to hear from some of you! Now, for one last photo, please continue to the NEXT SECTION.

A redbird sits near the Veterans Memorial at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, NC.
Love the top picture! Look at that expression~like a wise old bird. You did a great job on this and sounds like he will be waiting on you from now on. I think you have found a new friend.
Hello and thanks, Polly! Yes, I don’t think I’ll make a trip to the Square from now on when I don’t look for “Red.” 🙂
This is a male Northern Cardinal. This time of year they stake out territories for nesting and raising young. You can often see them chasing other male Cardinals out of their area. If he’s successful in finding a mate and making a nest, he’ll probably hang around the area for the rest of the spring. You can hear their songs everywhere this time of year. The singing is another way to declare their territory.
I was hoping you’d come to the rescue, Doug! That’s very interesting info. It would be great, speaking for myself, if “Red” *would* stay in the area longer, because it sure has been fun seeing him on more than one occasion.
As a matter of fact, one day last week, while stopping at the Post Office, I had a few extra minutes and thought I’d drive over to the Square and walk to the Veterans Memorial again and see if Red was around. It turns out I didn’t have to drive over there at all, because as I was getting ready to pull out of the Post Office parking lot, I happened to glance straight across to the POW-MIA monument and saw that little redbird sitting on it! That made me laugh out loud!
If you ever have a few moments when you stop by the Post Office, I’d be curious to know — if you have the time — whether you spot Red around that monument.
Thanks a lot for the explanation, Doug.