The Hummer

A Ruby-Throated Hummingbird (female) approaches a feeder.
As of today, I have a heightened respect for wildlife photographers. They not only tend to spend a great deal of time waiting — waiting to capture the potentially elusive pose of some member of the animal kingdom. But very often they’re patiently waiting under uncomfortable — if not extreme — conditions.
I really shouldn’t complain, then, that it took me four hours to capture a few decent shots of this hummer, which I believe to be a female Ruby-Throated Hummingbird. I stood the entire time, inside an enclosed sunroom, quietly watching the feeder that this hummingbird has claimed as hers the entire summer.
After experimenting for a while, I finally settled on a 1/4000th of a second shutter speed so that I could capture fairly sharp images of the hummingbird’s rapidly beating wings.

"Mmm-mmm good," says the little hummingbird.
The biggest challenge for me was focusing, because the little hummer was constantly moving, flitting up and down, forward, backward — and then she’d be gone. Gone for another 10 – 20 minutes before reappearing once more.

Poised to fly off, the hummingbird seems to challenge the photographer: "Catch me if you can!"
Great shots! This bird is so fascinating to watch drinking from the feeder.
Thanks, Jone! Hummingbirds are so small and intricate, yet so full of life and vitality. What a marvel of creation.
These are the most amazing shots of a hummingbird that I have ever seen. Wonderful and beautiful.
Thank you so much, Sue. They were quite a challenge to photograph. I hope I can get more shots of those little beauties in the future.