Stop and Look

December 23, 2009 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 
Stop sign on a snowy day at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County).

Colors and shapes: The combination of the red stop sign with a dusting of snow on it, the blue sky and the green lamppost in the distance compelled me to photograph this scene at Shallowford Square.

Unexpected Art

Continuing with photos from last weekend’s snowstorm, today’s photos confirm my belief that art is everywhere, if we’ll only stop and look for it.

Very often it’s the everyday objects and moments that give us the opportunity to capture or create art. Lighting, shapes, colors or textures are often key components of appealing art. Even an ordinary old stop sign can qualify as art! CLICK for more UNEXPECTED ART

Just Curious

April 5, 2009 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 
A redbird sits in a tree near the Veterans Memorial at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, North Carolina. Deb Phillips, photographer.

A redbird sits in a tree near the Veterans Memorial at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, North Carolina.

The Redbird

I couldn’t help myself — I was curious. I wondered whether the redbird I wrote about in the Birds of a Feather post would be waiting for me if I ventured up to Shallowford Square again.

Sure enough, as I approached the Veterans Memorial yesterday morning, I spotted the redbird singing away at the POW-MIA monument! I couldn’t help but smile at that animated little creature.

I know very little about the habits and instincts of birds, and this experience has piqued my curiosity. So I have TWO IDEAS:

If you’re a birder, can you shed some light on the territorial instincts of birds? I’m particularly wondering whether the redbird’s behavior is typical. Please share your knowledge in the Comments section.

If you’ll be passing through Lewisville and feel a bit curious yourself, how about stopping by Shallowford Square for a few moments and see if you spot the redbird on or near the POW-MIA monument? (The POW-MIA monument is at the base of the black-and-white POW-MIA flag flying at the Veterans Memorial at the Square.) Then report back here in the Comments section and let us know if you saw “Red” — or not. I think this would be a fun experiment!

It’d be great to hear from some of you! Now, for one last photo, please continue to the NEXT SECTION. CLICK to see Red giving me the eye

Springing Forth

April 1, 2009 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 
Tree blooms in Lewisville, North Carolina (Forsyth County). Deb Phillips, photographer.

Beautiful tree blooms in Lewisville, North Carolina.

Beautiful Blooms

Flowers…are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

The next few weeks will bring us some glorious sights as spring’s arrival becomes more pronounced. I look forward to getting out more and attempting to capture the season’s beauties that will be all around us.

[SIDE NOTE: This photo reminds me of an old-style wallpaper design.]
CLICK to see a CLOSE-UP view of these beautiful blooms

Fill ‘Er Up!

March 30, 2009 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 
Close-up of gas pump at Jones Grocery in Lewisville, North Carolina (Forsyth County). Deb Phillips, photographer.

Close-up of gas pump at Jones Grocery in the Township of Lewisville, North Carolina.

The Price Was Right

Sure, at 61-1/2 cents per gallon, why not fill ‘er up? Unfortunately, it’s too bad this gas pump at Jones Grocery Store is no longer in operation. Before closing, it looks like one of the store’s last customers drove away with 11.2 gallons of gas, which came to about $6.89. Today, those same 11.2 gallons cost about $22.00. But enough of such discomforting economic trivia!

Before we leave Jones Grocery and head out to photograph elsewhere in Lewisville, I thought I’d give you some resource information on High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography, since I used HDR to create all of the Jones Grocery Store photos I’ve shown you thus far. Who knows, you just might want to experiment with HDR in the future.

In the NEXT SECTION, I’ll not only give you some specific resource information on HDR, but I’ll show you the last two photos in this series covering Jones Grocery. Of course, I’ll continue stopping by Jones Grocery and will add more photos to the store’s photo gallery over time. CLICK for more info on HDR and to see the final Jones Grocery Store photos

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    For many photographers, sharper is better; but for quite a few the softness, unpredictability, and serendipity of toy lenses and alternative process appeals on a deep emotional level that may be difficult to express in words but is wonderful to explore and learn from. —Katrin Eismann
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    Lewisville citizens pose at the Nissen Wagon at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County).Held at Shallowford Square, the First Annual Best of Lewisville Festival was sponsored by Karate International of Lewisville and MediaFit.West Side Civic Theatre sponsored The Pirates of Penzance at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, NC.The Old Cemetery at Shiloh Lutheran Church in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County). Photography by Deb Phillips.Shallowford Square with a beautiful covering of snow.Memorial Day Service by American Legion Post 522 in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County)The home of Dr. Joe and Barbara Brooks in Lewisville, NC is surrounded by beautiful flowers of all types, especially daylilies.James E. (Jim) Munden, Sr. spoke about The Great Depression to the Lewisville Historical Society in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County).Brad Craver and his sons Austin and Andrew shared about the Civil War with the Lewisville Historical Society in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County).The 4th Annual Yadkin Valley History Fair & Conference - Transportation in the Yadkin Valley Before the AutomobileLewisville celebrates its 25th year of incorporation” width=A redbird claimed his territory at the Veterans Memorial at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County).The Lewisville Historical Society sponsored a graveyard tour which included Lewisville United Methodist Church. Host: Ruth HartleThe West Side Civic Theatre put on a splendid rendition of Peter Pan at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, NC.Llamas at Rivermont Llamas in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County).The garden of Robin McBride in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County)The Lewisville Historical Society sponsored a Historic Graveyard Tour, including the graveyard at Lewisville Baptist Church.The West Side Civic Theatre produced the Hello, Dolly musical at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County).A beautiful snow on a barn and field on Conrad Road in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County).Sponsored by the Lewisville Historical Society, a graveyard tour was conducted of six graveyards in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County).New Hope AME Zion Church in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County) celebrated its 125th anniversary on February 1, 2009.Jones Grocery Store resides on Shallowford Road in Lewisville, NC, not far from the Yadkin River (Forsyth County).A visit to Shallowford Square in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County) on a snowy morning.The Lewisville Sesquicentennial Committee and the Yadkin Valley Historical Association hosted an exploration of the Shallow Ford.Meet dog, Missy, who was walking with her master at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County).Oklahoma! was produced by the West Side Civic Theatre at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County).