Signs of Fall

Pumpkins are one of the colorful symbols of fall.
Pumpkins and Mums
Although fall was a little slow getting here this year, let’s relish its beautiful colors while they last. (The photos in this post were taken at Roger’s Trees and Nursery along Shallowford Road in Lewisville, NC.)

Beautiful, multi-colored mums also indicate that fall is upon us.
More Colorful Photos of Pumpkins and Mums
To see MORE COLORFUL PHOTOS, please continue to the NEXT SECTION. CLICK to see more pumpkins and mums
Six Years a Stranger

The Town of Lewisville, NC will celebrate its 25th year of incorporation on August 13, 2016.
Life Goes On
Nearly six years have passed since I published photos at During that time, our beloved Lewisville has seen new people and new businesses become part of the community. We’ve seen improvements regarding our streets — notably the addition of the roundabout at Williams and Shallowford Roads. We’ve seen attractive new buildings arise, and we’ve continued to enjoy a wide range of events at Shallowford Square.
A Reason to Return
Why am I back now, after having dropped off the radar for six years? I didn’t go anywhere. It’s just that life took one of those unexpected turns. Still, I have missed exploring the town and have missed meeting so many of you and sharing my photos and thoughts on
When I first heard that the Town of Lewisville would be celebrating its 25th year of incorporation on August 13, 2016, something in me stirred. How could I let such a big day in our community go by without covering it photographically? Then I saw the full-color brochure detailing the day’s activities, and I just knew I needed to be there.
For MORE information on Lewisville’s 25th Anniversary Celebration, please continue to the NEXT SECTION. CLICK for more on Lewisville’s 25th Anniversary Celebration
Which Way?

Left? Right? Sometimes it’s hard to know which way to go.
Maybe You’ve Noticed
If you’ve followed this blog for more than a few months, perhaps you’ve noticed that the frequency of my posts dropped off in recent weeks. Prior to July, I was averaging about one post every other day. In July, though, my average fell to about one post every week. And now we’re in the month of August.
Looking Back
It was just over a year ago — on August 1, 2008 — that I started this photo blog. Over the past year, I’ve had the privilege of meeting and photographing so many Lewisville citizens, including some beautiful little citizens who quickly captured my heart.
I’ve shared photos of many of Lewisville’s events — such as the Starlight Movie Nights, Music Under the Stars, the West Side Civic Theatre productions, the Beach Blast and the Fourth of July.
I’ve shared photos of flowers and birds, of autumn and glistening snow, of church activities and local historical events. I’ve covered the wide variety of library activities, and I’ve been privileged to cover veterans events, including the annual Memorial Day Service. I’ve also photographed the biking and golfing events that have served as charitable fund-raisers.
In essence, I’ve tried to reflect with my photos something of what it’s like to live in the small but lovely Town of Lewisville, North Carolina. As I stated on my About page, I’ve truly been looking for adventure and inspiration in our very midst; and I believe I’ve found them on numerous occasions — but that wasn’t all that I found. As I initially wrote, I suspected I’d find more:
As I go about my town, venturing down little roads I’ve not explored before, or into the lives of people I’ve not yet met, I’ll share my discoveries with you. I’ll share what I’m learning about life, about photography, and sometimes about myself.
Yes, besides meeting many wonderful folks and sharing many photographic moments, I’ve learned a few more things about myself along the way. Please continue to the NEXT SECTION. CLICK for more discoveries