Which Way?

August 4, 2009 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 
Road sign in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County). Photo taken by Deb Phillips.

Left? Right? Sometimes it’s hard to know which way to go.

Maybe You’ve Noticed

If you’ve followed this blog for more than a few months, perhaps you’ve noticed that the frequency of my posts dropped off in recent weeks. Prior to July, I was averaging about one post every other day. In July, though, my average fell to about one post every week. And now we’re in the month of August.

Looking Back

It was just over a year ago — on August 1, 2008 — that I started this photo blog. Over the past year, I’ve had the privilege of meeting and photographing so many Lewisville citizens, including some beautiful little citizens who quickly captured my heart.

I’ve shared photos of many of Lewisville’s events — such as the Starlight Movie Nights, Music Under the Stars, the West Side Civic Theatre productions, the Beach Blast and the Fourth of July.

I’ve shared photos of flowers and birds, of autumn and glistening snow, of church activities and local historical events. I’ve covered the wide variety of library activities, and I’ve been privileged to cover veterans events, including the annual Memorial Day Service. I’ve also photographed the biking and golfing events that have served as charitable fund-raisers.


In essence, I’ve tried to reflect with my photos something of what it’s like to live in the small but lovely Town of Lewisville, North Carolina. As I stated on my About page, I’ve truly been looking for adventure and inspiration in our very midst; and I believe I’ve found them on numerous occasions — but that wasn’t all that I found. As I initially wrote, I suspected I’d find more:

As I go about my town, venturing down little roads I’ve not explored before, or into the lives of people I’ve not yet met, I’ll share my discoveries with you. I’ll share what I’m learning about life, about photography, and sometimes about myself.

Yes, besides meeting many wonderful folks and sharing many photographic moments, I’ve learned a few more things about myself along the way. Please continue to the NEXT SECTION.

Highway sign in Lewisville, North Carolina (Forsyth County). Deb Phillips, photographer.

The Road of Life sometimes brings us to a point of decision — to a choice that must be made, in order to continue toward one’s destination.

A Time to Ponder

I’ve learned that I tend to focus so much on projects — such as the photos and stories for this blog — that I neglect other important areas of life. I’ve learned that I can’t always do everything myself — as much as I try. I’ve learned that I often get ahead of my Maker — and sometimes I get entirely off course.

This is, therefore, a time in which I need to reassess my priorities and ponder my next steps. In terms of this photo blog, I need to take time to address various growth-related and technical issues that have been mounting.

Of course, taking these new steps will, of necessity, prevent me from posting as frequently as I’d like for a little while. Yet I do hope you’ll hang in there with me during this pivotal time.

A Few Requests

Meanwhile, I’d like to make a few requests of you:

  • SPREAD THE WORD: Let your friends, family and associates know about LewisvillePhotos.com.
  • PROVIDE FEEDBACK: I welcome any feedback you’d like to offer regarding the content or direction of this website. Feel free to share your thoughts in the Comment section below, or you may contact me by email or phone.

Thank You

Finally, my friend, thank you for honoring me with your readership. I feel as though we’re traveling Life’s Road together.


2 Responses to “Which Way?”
  1. Steve Sherron says:

    We must be on the same wavelength. I’m doing some “pondering” myself.

  2. Steve, your new little grandson alone would be sufficient reason to ponder! Congrats! I’m sure he is adorable.

    After writing this post more than three weeks ago, I’m surprised by how little pondering time I’ve actually had. That’s just one of the standing battles of life, I guess.

    At least I’m no longer letting my blog run my life and my schedule. Instead, I’m running the blog. The blog no longer takes first place, which is as it should be, at least for me. I’m focusing on other important matters, concentrating on producing quality posts, and am not stressing about following a strict posting schedule. That decision has been mentally/emotionally freeing for me.

    All the best to you as you ponder your own path, Steve.

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