Something’s Afoot
Feet Planted
Sometimes, if you plant your feet in one spot, you’ll be amazed at what happens around you. And although you can’t know exactly what will transpire, you can expect to be surprised — especially when children are around.
Standing Still
The Town of Lewisville and the West Side Civic Theatre recently brought the delightful musical, Peter Pan, to life in Shallowford Square for a period of several evenings. Before each performance, I’d usually stroll around the Square looking for nice record shots, as well as interesting photo moments. My meandering usually meant I’d stop by the playground area several times before the show started.
The playground area can sometimes be like a pinball machine gone haywire, depending on how many children are there. On show nights, there were usually a lot of kids at the playground, and they were “bouncing” all over the place. Up, down, backwards and forward, and every angle in between.
On one particular evening, I changed my strategy when photographing in the playground area. Instead of following kids wherever they were climbing, scooting, crawling, or running, I decided simply to stand in one spot and see what kind of shots I’d get. I rather like how those photos turned out. They have soul — or is that “sole”? Find out in the NEXT SECTION.
Feet by Feet
Looking for Peter Pan articles and photos? Check out: Peter Pan Comes to Lewisville, Peril in Neverland, Indomitable Spirit and Peter Pan Prevails.