Music to My Eyes

January 25, 2009 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 
A section of a broom sage field on a beautiful morning in Lewisville, North Carolina (Forsyth County). Deb Phillips, photographer.

A section of a broom sage field captured on a beautiful morning in Lewisville, North Carolina.

Seeing the Unseen

You’ve probably looked to the sky before and have “seen” a person, an animal or an inanimate object in some peculiarly shaped cloud. Although in reality the person, animal or object wasn’t actually adrift in the clouds, you really did see that invisible scene in your mind, in your imagination.

When it comes to things that have popped into your imagination, have you ever tried to describe them to another person? In my own experience, sometimes the other person “saw” what I saw, but they often did not.

At times I’ve been the same way, too, when others have tried to describe their visions or dreams to me. I didn’t “see” what they saw, either. I didn’t “get it.”

Creativity and Communication

It quite often seems to be such an impossible task — the conveyance of our unseen dreams, aspirations, or inner creations to others. I think that’s why art, drama, music, and various forms of creative expression are important. They help us to communicate on deeper levels — soul to soul, spirit to spirit.

In my view, creativity and the arts are vital simply because so much of life — and so much within our very selves — is not black and white, not 1-2-3, not formulaic. Instead, in our God-stamped humanity, there seems to be an ever-present “deep calling to deep.”

The Silent Song

Although the above photo is not an especially beautiful image, it nevertheless represents a solitary moment, on a beautiful morning, in the midst of a broom sage field in Lewisville, North Carolina. (I wrote about that morning in two previous posts — Someone’s Story and When Our Photos Disappoint Us.)

Within a few square feet of what appeared to be only stalks of broom sage swaying in a gentle breeze, I saw something more. I saw “music.” Actually, I saw musical notes. And when I saw the notes, I heard the silent song of the broom sage — not literally, of course, but in an imaginary sense.

I’ve prepared a second, graphically modified version of the photo, in order hopefully to give you an idea of what I envisioned in that scene. It really doesn’t come close to the imaginary musical notes that I saw, but maybe it will be helpful to some degree. You can see that modified photo in the NEXT SECTION.

The Imaginary

A section of a broom sage field on a beautiful morning in Lewisville, North Carolina (Forsyth County). Deb Phillips, photographer.

Imaginary musical notes over a section of a broom sage field in Lewisville, North Carolina.

Perhaps it’s just my zany way of looking at things — but when you look back at the original photo, can you imagine some musical notes there now? Can you perhaps “hear” the silent song of the broom sage?

What Do You Think?

Have I completely lost it? Or can you relate? Be honest (and nice)! 🙂 Leave your heart-felt comments below!

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    To take photographs is to hold one's breath when all faculties converge in the face of fleeing reality. It is at that moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy. —Henri Cartier-Bresson
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