Mistaken Identity

This rabbit was spotted grazing non-stop in Lewisville, North Carolina.
Mystery Rabbit
I was walking back to my truck after photographing “Mother Bluebird” (see Eating In), when I saw this rabbit just eating away. As I looked at the rabbit through my long lens, I was a bit stunned by those long and slightly round-tipped ears. They didn’t exactly fit my mental picture of a rabbit with shorter, more pointed ears.
At first, I thought it might be a jackrabbit, but then I saw this photo of a jackrabbit. Now, those are some serious ears!
And then I thought that perhaps this is a type of hare because, technically, hares are not the same as rabbits. I found a page full of hare photos. Although they look more like this rabbit than the jackrabbit does, I don’t think it’s the same type of rabbit.
So I’m afraid that, for now, this rabbit will have to go unidentified — unless you can help out. If you know what type of rabbit this is, please leave a comment. I’m all ears! (Sorry, I couldn’t help myself!)
Profile Shot

Here’s a closer view of my rabbit friend. I think this is his or her better side.