Remembering the Fallen

June 3, 2010 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 
Bagpiper, David Thomas, at the Memorial Day Service in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County)

Bagpiper David Thomas performed during Lewisville's 2010 Memorial Day Service at the Veterans Memorial in Shallowford Square.

Memorial Day Service

American Legion Post 522 of Lewisville sponsored this year’s Memorial Day Service (on May 31, 2010) at the Veterans Memorial in Shallowford Square. Hundreds from the Lewisville community gathered to honor the military men and women who have given their lives in service to our country.

The Memorial Day program included a vintage military vehicle exhibition and a flyover by pilot Bill Kyle in a World War II-era plane, the T6 Trainer. During the roughly one-hour program, the audience enjoyed special music that included vocalists and bagpipes, as well as a message by guest speaker Tom Summy. Members of American Legion Post 522 also served as the honor guard, the rifle squad and bugler.

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To see more PHOTOS of the Memorial Day Service, please visit the 2010 Memorial Day Service photo gallery.

Memorial Day Service

May 27, 2009 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 
The American Legion Post 522 Color Guard of Lewisville, NC participated in the Memorial Day Service at Shallowford Square.

As with so many communities throughout our grateful nation, the Town of Lewisville, North Carolina held its annual Memorial Day Service at Shallowford Square. The event was sponsored by American Legion Post 522.

Real and Present Gratitude

Thanks to the efforts of the American Legion Post 522 and other groups and individuals, our community gathered once more at the Veterans Memorial at Shallowford Square on Memorial Day to honor and thank those who serve, and have served, in our nation’s military.

The Memorial Day Service included vintage military vehicles, special music, invocation and benediction, Congresswoman Virginia Foxx, Commissioner David Plyler, honor guard, rifle squad and bugler.

We’re thankful for our military men and women who are presently serving our country in such a challenging time. We know you have not chosen the easiest of paths, and we thank you for your service, and for the sacrifices you and your families are making on behalf of your country.

To see more photos of Lewisville’s Memorial Day Service, please visit the 2009 Memorial Day Service photo gallery.

Just Curious

April 5, 2009 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 
A redbird sits in a tree near the Veterans Memorial at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, North Carolina. Deb Phillips, photographer.

A redbird sits in a tree near the Veterans Memorial at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, North Carolina.

The Redbird

I couldn’t help myself — I was curious. I wondered whether the redbird I wrote about in the Birds of a Feather post would be waiting for me if I ventured up to Shallowford Square again.

Sure enough, as I approached the Veterans Memorial yesterday morning, I spotted the redbird singing away at the POW-MIA monument! I couldn’t help but smile at that animated little creature.

I know very little about the habits and instincts of birds, and this experience has piqued my curiosity. So I have TWO IDEAS:

If you’re a birder, can you shed some light on the territorial instincts of birds? I’m particularly wondering whether the redbird’s behavior is typical. Please share your knowledge in the Comments section.

If you’ll be passing through Lewisville and feel a bit curious yourself, how about stopping by Shallowford Square for a few moments and see if you spot the redbird on or near the POW-MIA monument? (The POW-MIA monument is at the base of the black-and-white POW-MIA flag flying at the Veterans Memorial at the Square.) Then report back here in the Comments section and let us know if you saw “Red” — or not. I think this would be a fun experiment!

It’d be great to hear from some of you! Now, for one last photo, please continue to the NEXT SECTION. CLICK to see Red giving me the eye

Birds of a Feather

April 3, 2009 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 
A redbird guards his territory at the Veterans Memorial at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, North Carolina (Forsyth County). Deb Phillips, photographer.

A redbird guards his territory at the Veterans Memorial at Shallowford Square.

Looking Everywhere

Clouds were moving in, and I was getting a little desperate to capture at least one good photo. I’d already been to several locations around Lewisville and had taken a few half-hearted shots, but I knew that none of them was particularly outstanding. The overcast light simply left most subject matter looking bland.

Even the beautiful trees in Shallowford Square that were in full bloom looked dull. Still, I walked around the Square, scanning the area for photo possibilities — and I felt my anxiety rising with nearly every step I took.

Creatures of Habit

As I approached the Veterans Memorial, I spotted a redbird sitting on the POW-MIA monument. When he saw me, he immediately flitted to one of the nearby oak trees. I didn’t think any more about him, and continued surveying the area, looking and hoping for something that could become an interesting photograph.

Moments later, the redbird flew back to the monument. All the while, he was twerping the cardinal’s melody. Then he flew to a tree that was only a few feet away. I thought, “I wonder if he’ll fly back to the monument.” Sure enough, he did.

I began to think that perhaps this little redbird was going to provide the shots I needed for the day. So I sat down on the ground, about 20 feet from the monument, focused my long lens on the top of the monument, and waited.

What transpired for the next 30 minutes or so became a drama of two curious creatures watching each other! To read more of this tale (and to see a few more photos), please continue to the NEXT SECTION! CLICK for more on this fine feathered friend

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    As I have practiced it, photography produces pleasure by simplicity. I see something special and show it to the camera. A picture is produced. The moment is held until someone sees it. Then it is theirs. —Sam Abell
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