These Hearts

May 3, 2009 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 
The flower, Dicentra spectabilis, is also known as a bleeding heart. Deb Phillips, photographer.

The flower, Dicentra spectabilis, is also known as a bleeding heart.

Some hearts are cold and closed — but these hearts are tender and free.

CLICK to see more bleeding hearts

The Gift of a Garden

April 11, 2009 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 
Two bees feast on a flower in the garden of Robin McBride in Lewisville, North Carolina (Forsyth County). Deb Phillips, photographer.

Bees enjoy the variety of flowers in Robin McBride’s garden in Lewisville, North Carolina. Robin also grows herbs and vegetables in her garden.


Yesterday, I listened to a podcast that struck me as being wonderfully well-timed, not only for today’s post, but also for Easter. The program, Speaking of Faith, is produced by American Public Radio, and hosted by Krista Tippett.

This week’s guest on Speaking of Faith was theologian and avid gardener, Vigen Guroian, who discussed what gardening has taught him about life and faith. Guroian has a beautiful way of describing his observations, and he has also written two books about gardening: The Fragrance of God and Inheriting Paradise. After hearing him on the podcast, I have a feeling these books would be splendid reads. You can listen to the intriguing interview with Vigen Guroian by visiting Restoring the Senses [new link for re-aired episode on April 5, 2012].

Entering the Garden

Now, on to the lovely garden of Robin McBride! If you missed the previous post in which I introduced Robin, you might want to check out A Gardener’s Delight before viewing today’s photos.

Following are just a few of the many flowers/plants growing in Robin’s garden: Forget-me-not, money plant, camellia, rosemary, daffodil, hellebore, spring star, pansy, azalea, mustard, lilac, woodland phlox, grape hyacinth and gardenia. And believe me, this is just a partial list!

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Without further delay, you may now CLICK to enter the garden of Robin McBride! Enjoy the photos — and feel free to leave a comment.

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A Gardener’s Delight

April 9, 2009 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 
Robin McBride of Lewisville, North Carolina tending to her garden (Forsyth County). Deb Phillips, photographer.

Robin McBride of Lewisville, North Carolina loves tending her beautiful garden.

Enthusiasm, Joy, Wonder

There can be no other occupation like gardening in which, if you were to creep up behind someone at their work, you would find them smiling.
— Mirabel Osler

Robin McBride seems to find delight all around her — but most especially in her garden. There, she’s enraptured by the smallest of details involving the variety of flowers and plants growing under her watchful care.

I first met Robin when I photographed the Crochet Club at the Lewisville Library last fall. Robin is the instructor for that class, which meets every second Wednesday of the month at 4:00 PM. As enthusiastic as Robin is about crochet, she’s even more passionate about gardening.

The Secret Garden?

Last Saturday I found myself at Robin’s house on Reynolds Road in Lewisville, taking in the scope of her gradually expanding garden.

It’s possible that you’ve driven down Reynolds Road quite unaware of the existence of this little bit of botanical splendor. Currently, while most of Robin’s gardening handiwork is not yet visible from the road, she’s implementing a plan to adorn the front yard nearest to the road.
CLICK for more on Robin and her garden

Spring is for Swingers

April 7, 2009 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 
Swings at Shallowford Park on a beautiful spring morning in Lewisville, North Carolina (Forsyth County). Deb Phillips, photographer.

The swings at Shallowford Park on a beautiful spring morning in Lewisville, North Carolina.

Looking for a Good Time?

I sense that my blog audience includes some real swingers. (I’m not sure why I think that — it’s just a vibe I have!) So I wanted to let you know about a good time you might be missing out on.

For this particular opportunity, you’re likely not too young or too old. You won’t have to wear special duds or be concerned about bouncers or bodyguards. Plus, there’s no cover charge. This gig is completely free.

Yes, it’s the swings at Shallowford Square that are beckoning all true swingers to come soar to their heart’s content. It’s a sure way to alleviate some stress and to put a big smile on your face.

The only requirement I’m aware of is that you simply have to make your way to the Square and find an empty seat. Right now, they’re all empty. But you’d better not wait too long. You see, you’re not the only one who’s looking for a good time!

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    All photographs are there to remind us of what we forget. In this - as in other ways - they are the opposite of paintings. Paintings record what the painter remembers. Because each one of us forgets different things, a photo more than a painting may change its meaning according to who is looking at it. —John Berger
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    Lewisville citizens pose at the Nissen Wagon at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County).Held at Shallowford Square, the First Annual Best of Lewisville Festival was sponsored by Karate International of Lewisville and MediaFit.West Side Civic Theatre sponsored The Pirates of Penzance at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, NC.The Old Cemetery at Shiloh Lutheran Church in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County). Photography by Deb Phillips.Shallowford Square with a beautiful covering of snow.Memorial Day Service by American Legion Post 522 in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County)The home of Dr. Joe and Barbara Brooks in Lewisville, NC is surrounded by beautiful flowers of all types, especially daylilies.James E. (Jim) Munden, Sr. spoke about The Great Depression to the Lewisville Historical Society in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County).Brad Craver and his sons Austin and Andrew shared about the Civil War with the Lewisville Historical Society in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County).The 4th Annual Yadkin Valley History Fair & Conference - Transportation in the Yadkin Valley Before the AutomobileLewisville celebrates its 25th year of incorporation” width=A redbird claimed his territory at the Veterans Memorial at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County).The Lewisville Historical Society sponsored a graveyard tour which included Lewisville United Methodist Church. Host: Ruth HartleThe West Side Civic Theatre put on a splendid rendition of Peter Pan at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, NC.Llamas at Rivermont Llamas in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County).The garden of Robin McBride in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County)The Lewisville Historical Society sponsored a Historic Graveyard Tour, including the graveyard at Lewisville Baptist Church.The West Side Civic Theatre produced the Hello, Dolly musical at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County).A beautiful snow on a barn and field on Conrad Road in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County).Sponsored by the Lewisville Historical Society, a graveyard tour was conducted of six graveyards in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County).New Hope AME Zion Church in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County) celebrated its 125th anniversary on February 1, 2009.Jones Grocery Store resides on Shallowford Road in Lewisville, NC, not far from the Yadkin River (Forsyth County).A visit to Shallowford Square in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County) on a snowy morning.The Lewisville Sesquicentennial Committee and the Yadkin Valley Historical Association hosted an exploration of the Shallow Ford.Meet dog, Missy, who was walking with her master at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County).Oklahoma! was produced by the West Side Civic Theatre at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, NC (Forsyth County).