One Stitch at a Time

November 16, 2008 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 

Close-up of crochet demonstration during a crochet class at the Lewisville, North Carolina Library (Forsyth County) - Deb Phillips, photographer.Want some help relieving stress or filling your time while waiting for an appointment? Why not try crochet? Crocheting is fun and easy to learn.

Ready to help you develop your crochet skills is the newly formed Crochet Club that meets every second Wednesday of the month at the Lewisville Library. The Club’s one-hour crochet class is taught by Robin McBride, who is a bona fide crochet enthusiast!

Amazingly, Robin has only been crocheting for about three years, but you’d think she was a seasoned crochet aficionado, from observing her crocheting technique and her patient, informed teaching style.

Robin’s number one passion, though, is gardening. I’ve seen photos of her beautiful flower garden, and I can’t wait to eventually feature it in a future blog post.

But second behind gardening is her passion for crochet. Because Robin, who cares for the elderly, often spends a great deal of time waiting in doctors’ waiting rooms, crocheting seemed like an excellent way to spend that time. So she turned to books and periodicals to begin learning how to crochet. Now, a few years later, she’s completed scores of crochet projects, from ornamental pieces to a vast array of crocheted clothing.

Like Robin, you might find crocheting to be an appealing pastime, too. The next meeting of the Crochet Club will be on Wednesday, December 10, at 4:00 pm at the Lewisville Library. If you have any questions about the class, please call the Lewisville Library at 703-2940. The class is free and open to the public. Experts and novices alike are most welcome.

You can see photos of Robin and the class participants taking it “one stitch at a time” in the Crochet Club photo gallery.

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