One Bright Morning
In the recent post titled Barren Beauty, I featured a photo of Westbend Vineyards from a not-so-typical viewpoint. Of course, in that shot, a tree in the foreground was the primary subject, and the old home place was off in the distance, barely visible. But for the above photo, I moved considerably closer, positioned not far from the small pond that’s below a section of the vineyards and the old home place.
For today’s post, I’ve created several alternative versions of this photo, some of which are radically different. In case you’re “allergic” to radically modified photos, I’ve also prepared a few more mild-mannered versions!
Please continue to the NEXT SECTION to check out the alternative photos. Wherever you fall on the photo spectrum, I hope you’ll find a photo that you particularly like. You may even prefer the above version. Caution: Some of the photos are really different!
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5
Photo 6
Photo 7
Make a Statement
OK, I’m hoping you’ll like at least one of the photos in this post! Please leave a quick comment below to let me know which is your favorite. And if there’s one in particular that you really don’t like, share that, too!
Be sure to check out other Westbend Vineyards articles featured on this website.