Horsin’ Around
The plan was to jump out of my truck with camera in hand, photograph the horse peacefully grazing in the sunlit pasture, and then move on to the next inviting scene. Simple, right? Well, yes and no.
It’s actually the second time I’ve attempted such an equine mission and have failed to achieve my photographic goals. It doesn’t seem to matter how quiet and stealthy I am. One moment the horse is grazing in the middle of the pasture, seemingly oblivious to the world around him. The next instant, his ears prick up, and his head lifts in my direction. A human being! Immediately, he starts walking toward me.
As he moves my way, I resign myself to losing the shot I had envisioned — at least for today. Does he think I have food on me? Or does he simply want human companionship?
And then it becomes crystal clear what’s going through his mind. He sees my camera and wants to be sure I capture his best side!
OK, then, big fellow! Say “Cheese!”
Believe it or not, there’s more to this crazy story! Be sure to check out the fun follow-up article to this post, titled More Horsin’ Around.