Frank’s Boundless Imagination

This metal beast can be seen in the yard of Joe and Esther Marion. It’s just one of many wonderful creations by sculptor, Frank Holder.
Frank Holder, 1931–2009
I never personally knew Frank Holder, but I’ve heard about him from my mother, and I’ve seen his wonderful handiwork. In fact, I see it every time I travel Highway 421 from Lewisville to Winston-Salem.
Just beyond the Lewisville/Williams Road exit on the right, at Joe’s Landscaping and Nursery, you can see some of Frank Holder’s big metal beasts, flowers and an unforgettable spider mailbox.
Taking photos of those sculptures had been on my mental list for a while, but I hadn’t gotten around to photographing them until yesterday. That’s because Frank Holder passed away earlier this week at the age of 78.
TO READ MORE about Frank Holder and to see more PHOTOS of his creations, please continue to the NEXT SECTION.
Gentle Man, Bold Art
My mom and Frank were in the same grade at Lewisville High School, graduating in the Class of 1951. Ironically, if Frank were still living, he’d probably be attending his 58th high school reunion today. And, most likely, he would once more donate an intriguing creation of his as a door prize — a much-coveted door prize, I might add.
Mom describes Frank as someone that everybody liked. “He had a gentle spirit,” she says. Yet what fascinates me about Frank is that, for such a gentle and humble man, he sure had a wild imagination. On the outside — calm and affable. On the inside — the bold artist.
Out of that man’s mind came dinosaurs, a whale, a mermaid, and mammals of all sorts, fabricated from ordinary pieces of metal and other materials. And that’s just barely scratching the surface of his many creations. He must have been enraptured with the world he saw in his mind’s eye and had been eager to share it with others.
Memories and Photos
My mom says Frank will be missed at today’s class reunion. His classmates will no doubt share fond memories of Frank, and they’ll cherish not only the bold works of his hands, but the gentle life that he lived.
If you have some COMMENTS or MEMORIES regarding Frank or his art, please share your thoughts in the Comment section below.
To see more PHOTOS of Frank’s sculptures, please visit the Frank Holder photo gallery.
I spent a wonderful afternoon with Frank between ten and fifteen years ago (it’s 2014) on a trip on back roads searching for adventure, hoping to find an “outside the mainstream” visual artist. There he was several hours from my beginning mile.
Frank was to my thinking anything but an innocent. And I was saddened to find that his best work was not among the photos. It’s often true that people like Frank aren’t fully appreciated “at home.” In fact it’s almost always the case for artists.
So with all due respect to the reporter of this article who never quite found the time to meet Frank or spend time speaking to him about his life’s adventures (which were many) and his travels (which were vast) or his thoughts (which were deep), there are those of us who took the time — time that we will never forget to listen, to see, to remember. Frank’s work was richer than that shown here. Much of it was less commercial and “clever” and was of a much higher order and craftsmanship than is held in most museums. Such is the way of the world and the way of art.
Thanks so much for sharing your memories of Frank, Michele. I can just imagine how enjoyable your time with him was.
I’m not a reporter, per se. 🙂 This website is merely my personal effort, mainly from 2008 through 2009, to provide glimpses of life in the small town of Lewisville, NC, in which I live and was raised.
In retrospect, I regret that I didn’t pursue the opportunity to meet Frank before he left us, and could have thus represented him and his artwork far better than I did.
Thank you for taking the time to honor Frank and for sharing some of how he touched your life.
All the best,
Do you know if his work is still at his home, and can people go see it? I was taken there several years ago and saw it and have some family coming in to visit and thought it would be neat to take them. Please let me know asap. Thanks so much.
Hi, Kim —
I haven’t been out that way in quite some time, but I’m guessing Frank Holder’s rather large artwork display is still there at the end of the driveway (at 1275 Lasley Road, Lewisville). I suspect the mechanical portions are no longer working, though.
Several of Frank’s works are visible at various residences along Lasley Road, between Styers Ferry Road and Reynolds Road. Some are unique mailbox art pieces.
I understand there is now a gate near the end of the driveway that prevents people from driving to the home where Frank’s widow lives. Her name is Doris Holder. Doris is in her 80s, and I don’t know whether she’s up to having visitors. I’ll email you the phone number I have for Doris, in case you’d like to call her.
Sorry I can’t give you more definitive information, but I hope this is somewhat helpful.
Thanks for writing.
March 13th (2021) was the first auction of Frank’s artwork. There is to be at least 2 more, April 17th and 24th by Myers Auction. Check for details. The Whale, Mermaid, the 2 Dinosaurs, Ram, some Daffodils and much more were sold yesterday.
I was excited to get several pieces I had known back when we were his back door neighbor. Frank and Doris were WONDERFUL people. The kids and us knew they were special and his artwork was divine. The world and Lewisville are indeed richer for them being here!
I didn’t know about the auctions of Frank’s work. I’m glad to know his pieces will be dispersed about and enjoyed by even more folks. My mom went to school with Frank and Doris and thought so much of them, too. Thank you for writing, Alice.