Eat Your Veggies

March 24, 2009 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 
Ann Williams, a Master Gardener and a Forsyth County Extension Agent, instructs a workshop participant on growing a tomato plant from a seed. The Beginning Vegetable Garden workshop was held at the Lewisville Library in Lewisville, North Carolina. Deb Phillips, photographer.

While a Beginning Vegetable Gardening workshop attendee makes notes (foreground), Ann Williams (center), a Master Gardener and a Forsyth County Extension Agent, instructs another workshop attendee on growing a tomato plant from seed. The workshop is one of a range of gardening topics being taught this spring throughout the Forsyth County Public Library system.

Vegetable Gardening

So which is better — cow manure or horse manure? Say what?! No, really! That’s a serious (yet humorous) issue that arose during yesterday’s (March 23) Beginning Vegetable Gardening workshop held at the Lewisville Library. The workshop was led by Ann Williams, a Master Gardener and a Forsyth County Extension Agent.

Other topics discussed ranged from gardening tools, soil testing, and tips on buying seeds, to how to keep animals from eating our delicious vegetables and beautiful flowers. The spontaneous question-and-answer segments throughout the workshop also yielded valuable gardening tips.

More Workshops Coming Up

The Beginning Vegetable Gardening workshop is just one of many gardening workshops being co-sponsored this spring by the Forsyth County – NC Cooperative Extension Service and the Forsyth County Public Libraries.

The gardening workshop topics are varied, including shade gardening, container gardening and butterfly/hummingbird gardening. Besides covering various types of gardening, some of the other related workshops being offered are Drought Tolerant Perennials, Spring Lawn Care, Invasives, and Indoor Plants. Best of all, the workshops are FREE and open to the public.

For lots more information, including LINKS to the photo gallery, the audio recording of the workshop and the Forsyth County – NC Cooperative Extension Service, please continue to the NEXT SECTION.

A “Delicate” Question

Getting back to the manure question, perhaps there are some delicate souls who might become faint if I discuss this matter further! So may I suggest that you listen for the answer in the AUDIO RECORDING of the workshop (link provided below)? (If you’re in a hurry, you’ll find this portion of the workshop just before the half-way point of the recording — at the 26-minute point, to be exact.)

Additional Workshop Information

The main handout for the Beginning Vegetable Gardening workshop was a 40-page booklet, appropriately titled Home Vegetable Gardening. It’s packed full of detailed information and invaluable tips on growing a wide variety of vegetables. If you’d like a copy, the booklet is FREE and can be obtained by contacting the Forsyth County – NC Extension Service office.

For more information on the gardening programs in the area, please visit the Forsyth County Cooperative Extension Service .

Photo Gallery

CLICK on over to the Beginning Vegetable Gardening Workshop photo gallery to see MORE PHOTOS of the workshop.

Enjoy listening to the AUDIO RECORDING of the Beginning Vegetable Gardening workshop held on Monday, March 23, at the Lewisville Library. CLICK the link below to hear some great gardening tips:

Beginning Vegetable Gardening Workshop (Ann Williams) (MP3, 1 HR. 5 MIN.)

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