Dare to Believe

December 30, 2008 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 

Young girl running at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, North Carolina (Forsyth County) prior to the musical, Hello Dolly, performed by the West Side Civic Theatre. Deb Phillips, photographer.

On the eve of a new year, it’s typical to look backward before looking forward. So I thought I’d step away from the regular Lewisville photo coverage on this last blog post of 2008 and share a bit more on a personal level. I hope you won’t mind. Come January 1, we’ll get back to finding new photo moments in Lewisville.


I thought about calling this post “Confessions of a Stubborn Woman.” That’s because this perhaps seemingly meek and mild woman has been a stubborn soul throughout much of her life. But even deeper than the stubbornness has been a menacing layer of fear.

The truth is, I’ve been pretty good at hiding for many years. Generally speaking, I’ve kept people at arm’s length for decades. I honestly thought that would make life “safer” for me. Instead, I’ve slowly — and I emphasize “slowly” — learned that hiding the hurts one has encountered, or hiding one’s imperfections or mistakes, is a certain path to misery and isolation.


I chose the above photo for this post because there appears to be no stopping this little one as she runs with a determined joy. Her eyes are on her destination. And the heart painted on her face is symbolic of living life to the fullest.

As I look toward 2009, I’ve decided that I’d like to live life much differently than I ever have before:

  • I’d like to be a woman of unbounded faith.
  • I’d like to break with old ways that have hindered me in the past.
  • I’d like to believe that change is possible, and that missteps can be redeemed.
  • I’d like to believe again that God could be glorified in my life.

The Dare

And in case there’s even one person reading this blog whose faith has also wavered, I hope you’ll realize that you’re not alone. I propose that we “Dare to Believe” that God is for us, not against us — and that we start walking in His direction. I’m choosing to believe that He will meet us somewhere along the way.

I look forward to sharing with and getting to know many of you in the coming year. I’m honored that you’re a reader of this blog.

All the best to you and yours in 2009,
Photographer, Deb Phillips signature


6 Responses to “Dare to Believe”
  1. Bettie Steelman says:

    Your pictures are breathtaking, beautiful, and inspiring. I like your thoughts for the coming year. I suggest a seemingly neglected area, the Lewisville Post Office, filled with public servants working tirelessly to get the mail and packages out to all inhabitants of Lewisville.

    We are right across from the Square. 🙂
    Yes, I am a rural carrier who has worked at the Lewisville PO for 18 years.

    Thank you for your work and labor of love.

  2. Bettie, thank you for serving our community as a rural carrier. We’re so used to the services that our Post Offices provide that I’m afraid it’s easy to take you all for granted at times. Even when weather conditions are brutal, you all give your utmost to provide uninterrupted service. Do you think the “boss” would let me do a photo story sometime?! Let me know.

    Thanks also for your kind words about my photos. That’s really encouraging to me.

    Keep up the good work. I think no good deed ever truly goes unnoticed.

  3. Benita VanWinkle says:

    Hello Deb!
    I am that other photographer that you keep running into at Brookstown and at the Jim Cole Concert. Consider yourself in good company with your comments in the blog. I am sure we are going to run into each other much more too…

    I am mailing you the article that was in the W-S Journal just in case you want an extra copy to send to some family member or friends. I loved seeing you out there in the paper and being in front of the camera for once!

    I will pray for you that 2009 will be a year of revelations, of joyous moments, of quiet reflection and peaceful memories.

    Be blessed!

  4. Yes, Benita! I must admit I’ve thought about getting in touch with you several times, but as you know I didn’t. 🙂 It would be great seeing you again, and I look forward to that.

    I appreciate your mailing the article to me. I was a bit nervous being in front of the camera, but I survived. Of course, David Rolfe doesn’t take bad pictures, so lucky me!

    Thanks for your prayers. I hope I’ll be as brave as I need to be.

    Blessings on your new year, too.

  5. Walter says:

    We are more than we think we are. God has given us all that is needed to live life to the fullest. Sadly, few realize this gift.

    Have faith in yourself. It’s all you need to have to deal with change. 🙂

  6. Life is full of challenges and opportunities. Thank you, for your uplifting words, Walter.

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