Creative Christmas Crafts
Margie Carter, also known as the “Wallpaper Queen,” taught the Creative Christmas Crafts class yesterday at the Lewisville Library.
Using wallpaper samples from discontinued wallpaper books, Margie led the eager class in making gift bags, gift card envelopes and bows. She also brought in samples of gift bags, earrings, beaded necklaces, tree ornaments and other items she’s made from wallpaper.
It was really quite astounding to see what Margie’s creative mind — coupled with her self-professed frugality — can do with seemingly ordinary sheets of wallpaper. And I have a feeling that Margie’s samples barely dent her repertoire, when it comes to transforming wallpaper into something delightfully decorative.
This class was the second in a new series of monthly Creative Crafts classes that the library will be sponsoring. The next class in January will be on creative things that can be done with used Christmas cards. If you’re interested in attending that class, please call the Lewisville Library at 703-2940 for more information.
Take a few moments to visit the Wallpaper Crafts photo gallery, where you’ll see yesterday’s class in progress, along with samples of some beautiful wallpaper crafts.