Ho Ho Ho!

December 13, 2016 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 
Santa Claus returns to Lewisville's Christmas Parade.

Santa Claus returns to Lewisville’s Christmas Parade.

Lewisville’s 32nd Annual Christmas Parade

The Lewisville Civic Club hosted its 32nd Annual Christmas Parade on Sunday, December 11, 2016.

Directed by Maureen Barton, the parade featured lots of floats, several local high school marching bands, dance and drill teams, veterans, horses, dogs, fire trucks, military vehicles and classic and antique automobiles.

Lewisville’s main thoroughfare was packed with people — children, parents and adults of all ages. (Many folks had staked out their parade spot more than an hour ahead of time.)

With Christmas music playing at Shallowford Square prior to the parade’s start, anticipation was building as the three o’clock hour approached. And once the parade got underway, children — and many adults — just couldn’t get enough of the candy that parade participants tossed their way.

Without a doubt, in a little over an hour, Lewisville’s Christmas Parade was everything that makes a community parade a special experience.

Festive Photos Coming

Of course, I took lots of photos, and I can’t wait to share them with you. But it takes time to get them just right. Plus, I have a day job. So please be patient and check back here within the next few days to view the Lewisville Christmas Parade photo gallery.

Meanwhile, please share LewisvillePhotos.com with others who may be interested in the soon-coming Christmas parade photos.

Thank you, one and all!

Lewisville’s Tree Lighting Ceremony

December 6, 2008 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 

Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony at Shallowford Square in Lewisville, North Carolina (Forsyth County) - Deb Phillips, photographer.Folks from the community began arriving at Shallowford Square shortly before 7:00 pm yesterday evening for Lewisville’s annual Tree Lighting Ceremony. The Pavilion was the gathering place for hot chocolate, delicious sweets and friendly greetings.

Families with children made up a large part of the crowd, but all ages were represented, from snuggly wrapped babies on up. Everyone, though, was bundled up on the winter-like evening with dipping temps that kept the hot drinks flowing.

Following a few words of welcome from Joyce Walker, the President of the Lewisville Civic Club, and Cecil Wood, Lewisville’s Town Manager, the crowd was treated to a few classic Christmas songs beautifully sung by Matt Morris.

Next came the moment when Mayor Dan Pugh “flipped the switch” to light the Christmas tree located near the Square’s clock. With that, the Christmas lights in and surrounding Shallowford Square were complete.

But there was more to come, because the most important guest was just arriving. Yes, Santa was whisked in on one of the Lewisville Fire Department’s big trucks. (Apparently, the reindeer had the night off.)

Santa was immediately surrounded by children and their parents as he settled into a comfy chair under the Pavilion. And while he was greeting the children and offering each of them a candy cane, The Night Before Christmas was read over the sound system by Joyce Walker.

As the event wound down, many families finished up the festive evening with a family photo at Lewisville’s Christmas tree.

Photos of this fun event can be seen in Lewisville’s Tree Lighting Ceremony photo gallery.

Under the Weather

December 2, 2008 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 

The over-the-counter cold medicine taken by photographer, Deb Phillips, in Lewisville, North Carolina (Forsyth County).Like other photographs in this blog, this photo was also taken in Lewisville, North Carolina. In fact, it was taken inside my house. I’m a bit under the weather at the moment, so “over-the-counter measures” were called for. Hopefully, by the next blog post, I’ll be in much better shape.

Meanwhile, consider attending Lewisville’s annual Tree Lighting Ceremony at Shallowford Square this Friday, December 5, at 7:00 pm. The event is sponsored by the Lewisville Civic Club and the Town of Lewisville. There will be music, refreshments and a visit by Santa.

Golfing for Good

September 25, 2008 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 

Lewisville Civic Club Charity Golf Tournament at Salem Glen Country Club (Forsyth County). Deb Phillips, photographer.The third annual Lewisville Civic Club Charity Golf Tournament was held last Friday, September 19, at Salem Glen Country Club. More than 80 golfers participated in the tournament, which is the club’s major charity fundraiser of the year.

Proceeds from the tournament will go toward scholarships for high school seniors, and for local Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, Lewisville Elementary School, and needy families during the Christmas season. Earlier this year, Lewisville Civic Club awarded three $1,500 college scholarships to deserving recipients.

Scenes from the tournament, including many shots of the golfers in action, can be viewed in the Charity Golf Tournament photo gallery.

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