Shalloween Festival

October 23, 2016 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 
The Town of Lewisville sponsored its popular annual Shalloween event on October 22, 2016 with a wide range of activities and sweet candy rewards for all participants.

This rather eye-catching character was spotted having fun at Lewisville’s Shalloween Festival.

Who Goes There?

Shallowford Square was teeming with all kinds of costumed characters on Saturday, October 22, 2016, when the Town of Lewisville hosted its annual Shalloween Festival.

You name it, your favorite, or perhaps not-so-favorite, character could be seen roaming the Square, playing games and participating in arts and crafts projects.

In fact, everywhere one turned, there were superheroes, cartoon characters, princesses, ninjas, soldiers, pirates, sports stars, cuddly animals, dinosaurs, vampires, the walking dead and so many other interesting characters. One thing they all had in common — their treat bags were getting fuller by the minute with candy and prizes!

The Shalloween Festival wrapped up with an engaging performance by Mister Mike, a local comedy magician and juggler.

More Photos of the Shalloween Festival

To see MORE PHOTOS of the Shalloween Festival, please continue to the NEXT SECTION. CLICK for more photos of the Shalloween festival

Halloween Night in Lewisville

November 2, 2008 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 

Young trick-or-treater at the Lewisville Fire Department in Lewisville, North Carolina (Forsyth County). Deb Phillips, photographer.The Lewisville Fire Department and Lewisville Baptist Church hosted separate Halloween events Friday evening that were attended by families and youth from Lewisville and surrounding communities. I tried my best to be at both places at once!

At the Lewisville Fire Department, several large inflatable Halloween displays and a costumed Dalmatian mascot drew the curious attention of young trick-or-treaters. After making their way through a spooky maize (constructed of hay bales) and collecting their treats, many families went on a pleasant hayride that circled Shallowford Square and returned to the fire station.

Meanwhile, at Lewisville Baptist Church, trick-or-treaters attending the church’s Trunk or Treat event were greeted by enthusiastic church members offering candy treats — with flare and originality — from their car trunks or truck beds. And as if that weren’t enough, the church then provided free hot dogs, soda, popcorn and cotton candy to its delighted visitors.

With my time being split between the two events, it was a bit of a challenge to try to cover both events well. The main challenge I faced, though, was the diminishing daylight. As the late-evening light gradually faded away, it was increasingly more difficult to get quality shots, even using a flash, which does not always yield the kind of natural-looking images that I prefer.

Representative photos from each of these events can be seen by visiting the links below:

Halloween Party

October 31, 2008 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 

A young Elvis trick-or-treater at the Lewisville Library Halloween Party in Lewisville, North Carolina (Forsyth County). Deb Phillips, photographer.

Some big-time celebrities, superheroes, and storybook characters showed up yesterday at the Lewisville Library. Of course, most of them were four feet tall or less, and they were there to attend the library’s Halloween Party. The lively party was complete with refreshments, a story time, Bingo and crafts.

The list of attendees included the likes of Elvis, Superman, Spiderman, Madeline, Minnie Mouse and two Scooby Doo stars. I also spotted a tiger, several princesses, a pirate, a witch and a gladiator.

Despite the non-stop energy of the crowd, things remained very much under control — due in large part, I think, to the no-nonsense policeman who was also in attendance.

Take a look at some photos of the partygoers in the Lewisville Library Halloween Party gallery.

Have a fun and safe Halloween, everyone!

October 29, 2008 CONTEST FOLLOW-UP: No submissions were entered for the post’s contest question. The street address for the Fall display featured in the post’s photo is 634 Lewisville-Vienna Road in Lewisville. Check out the display for yourself, as well as so many other attractive Fall/Halloween yard displays in Lewisville.

Fall Fashion

October 29, 2008 · By Deb Phillips – The Photo Gal 

Autumn yard art in Lewisville, North Carolina (Forsyth County) - Deb Phillips, photographer.

There she was, looking so radiant, so…ummm… “outstanding in her field,” if I may abuse the pun! But she’s not alone. Located in numerous yards throughout Lewisville are other notable characters decked out in similarly fashionable duds.

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